Dr. Watson House

Dr. Watson House

The first two rooms, front to back on the east side, were built prior to 1886. This building is not of great historical value but it is architecturally harmonious with the rest of the town. This structure was possibly built either on the site of …Read More

San Juan Mission

San Juan Mission

Built from 1885 – 1887 under the guidance of Father John Marie Garnier, the parishioners built this church – the largest church in Lincoln County at that time – a little over 3,000 sq. ft. The church is built of adobes made on site and …Read More

Montano Store

Montano Store

The Montaño Store was built before 1868 and became State property in 1966. The building was operated as a store and boarding house, for at least 30 years after the Civil War by Jose Montaño and his wife, Josefa. The Montaño’s were supporters of the …Read More

Dr Woods Annex

Dr. Woods Annex

This building was built in the early 1880s, and first used as a furniture store. From 1889 to 1891 it is thought to have housed the newspaper office and printing press of editor James Kibbee’s Independent, and from 1892 to 1894 it served as a …Read More

Dr. Woods House

Dr. Woods House

Of considerable elegance in its time, this house has some of the architectural features typical of “Lincoln-style territorial,” a meld of traditional Southwest adobe and Back-East design. Built for George and Mary Danner about 1882 – 1883, it was referred to as “the mansion house …Read More

The Courthouse


This historic two-story stuccoed adobe structure was built in 1873 – 1874 by L. G. Murphy & Company. Known as the “Big House/Store” for 6 years, it was destined to become the center of both political and business affairs in Lincoln County. Over its’ long …Read More

The Torreon


This circular stone fortification was erected by the area’s earliest Hispanic settlers in the 1840’s or 1850’s. The tower has a viga-constructed second floor, and an open-roofed second story. It was used as a look out and defensive structure for protection from raiding Apaches. Tradition …Read More

Tunstall Store

Tunstall Store

Built in 1878, using a portion of a building erected by settlers in the 1850s, the young Englishman John H. Tunstall expanded it to established a mercantile business; intending to compete with the L. G. Murphy Company up the street. The building housed a bank …Read More

Luna-Chavez House

Luna – Chavez House

The Luna – Chavez House was originally two separate houses, built prior to 1868. The two houses were later joined by adding the central entrance room. It is a single story, stuccoed L-shaped adobe house and is a good example of early Hispanic construction of …Read More

The Convento


(Also known as the First Courthouse, and Frank Chapman’s Saloon) Built before 1868, this flat-roofed adobe building was a saloon, dance hall and community center both before and after Lincoln was designated the county seat in 1869. From 1869 to 1881 the county paid $50 …Read More